Thursday 1 March 2012

Best Foods For Beating Summer In India

Soft Drinks
Summer, is that time of the year when cotton clothes, airconditioners, cool drinks and chilled foods is seen everywhere and used by everyone. It is during this time of the year when we all have to be very careful about our food intake.

The temperatures in India during summer are always soaring very high but we can beat the heat to some extent if we watch what we are eating or drinking, i.e. include or avoid certain foods in our daily diet. That's because summer brings with it certain seasonal challenges.

Summer is a time when one feels like eating less which can lead to many problems like heat strokes, dehydration etc. 

Youngsters also take cola drinks at frequent intervals in order to beat the heat, but one should not forget that these drinks consist of high sugar levels that make them put on weight.

Symptoms of Dehydration

In summers, the body gets badly dehydrated and the dryness leads to skin that is wrinkle prone, less elastic and allergic to various problems. So its a good idea to keep the skin and body hydrated by consuming moisture rich fruits and vegetables and lots of water and other coolants.

 Foods To Be Included


Many fruits and vegetables such as watermelon,
muskmelon, cucumber, gourds, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables etc have high moisture content in them. 

Regular intake of these fruits& vegetables during the hot summer months will definitely keep you cool and refreshed. 

Bottle Gourd

We should not only eat plenty of green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, lettuce, cabbage, mint etc, but also sprouts, cucumbers, bottle gourds, ridge gourds, ash gourds, amla, mushroom, tomatoes and fluids such as plain water, fresh juices (unsweetened), lassi (unsweetened), lemon juice with a bit of honey, tender coconut water, green tea, herbal tea, vegetable juice, etc.These are not only refreshing but also nutritious and keep you cool and filling.

Water is the best fluid that can be freely taken. We often forget to drink enough water due to our daily routine but we should ensure to drink 1-2 litres of water a day to prevent dehydration due to heat in summer. So do not dry out as heat wave can wring you out before you know it!

Green Vegetables

Coconut Water

Drinking Water To Keep Hydrated

Foods To Be Avoided

Fried Fatty Foods

Avoid foods that increase the thirst and body weight during summer because excess body weight can be more uncomfortable in summer.

Foods like high fat foods, fried foods, fatty meats, sugary eats like chocolates or beverages like alcohol, caffeine, tea, coffee, and cigarettes that deplete water from the body should be avoided as much as possible. 

Spicy Food
Also, one should minimize the intake of spicy, hot and extremely salty foods as they affect the skin adversely.

Certain protein rich foods like eggs, chicken should be avoided since it increases the metabolic heat production thus increasing the water loss leading to dehydration.

Some More Coolants

Other than the more common coolants such as buttermilk or lassi, coconut water and fruit juices, there are a range of other excellent summer coolants that we can have to keep ourselves cool and hydrated in summer. They are ragi, kokum, thandai, rose, panna, mogra sherbets, barley water with a dash of lime and little sugar, jaljira, lemonade, sattu etc.

Kokam sherbet
Kokum: (Mangosteen)

Kokam, which resembles a small, dark purple plum, is the fruit of a tropical evergreen tree (Garcinia indica) that grows only in India. Kokam is used in India as a souring agent like tamarind or amchur. 

Kokum sherbet is used as a coolant. Big glasses of kokam sharbat (a cold beverage) are drunk to counteract the blazing heat, to prevent dehydration, loss of nutrients, improve digestion and appetiteIt regulates the cardiovascular system, cleanses the blood and fights infections. 


People should drink 'thandai' a milk-based drink made of almonds, 
khus khus ( poppy seeds ) fennel seeds, tulsi seeds, musk melon seeds, rose petals and peppercorns. Most of the ingredients used in the making of thandai are coolants and have a soothing effect on the intestine. It is very filling and healthy.

Sattu Drink

Sattu is often called as poor man's diet. Sattu can be a very palatable delicacy for all. It is generally extracted from barley, gram or wheat and is easily available.It provides energy instantaneously, checks heat strokes, quenches thirst and raises tolerance to beat the heat. Make a sherbet of sattu, fresh lemon juice, rock salt and roasted jeera.

Aam Panna
Aam Panna

A traditional preparation of roasted or boiled raw mangoes. It helps in digestion and provides energy instantly. It prevents heat strokes, dehydration and dryness of mouth and tongue.


A super summer drink consisting of a blend of ingredients like cumin powder and mint as the main ingredients, keeps one refreshed and cool in the hot weather. It also aids in digestion and other related problems like colic pain, flatulence etc. It boosts the appetite and helps in bad breath.

Word of Caution

Food spoils very easily in hot weather, so it's very important that we avoid eating outside food especially if we are not sure whether the hygiene has been taken care of while preparing it.This happens frequently with fruit juice, where vendors tend to add partially spoiled fruit to the juice.

Also, going out on an empty stomach would increase the chances of dehydration and heat stroke. So, make it a point to eat light meals at frequent intervals as they would not only provide us energy but also the essential salts which would keep the body hydrated. Besides, going out on empty stomach would surely tempt you, when hungry, to step by a food stall on the road side which could call for an invitation to infection.

Keep yourself well hydrated in summer and stay cool and refreshed!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Admin,
    The Article on Best Foods For Beating Summer In India is amazing. It give detail information about it. Thanks for Sharing the article Do you know Kokum juice for weight loss.Keep Sharing such amazing post
